Dangerous information and warning of blood cholesterol
The normal level of (total) cholesterol in the blood must not exceed 200 mg / dl. But analyzing the total cholesterol does not provide accurate results on the state of the body and the protection of the heart, and therefore it is necessary to analyze the cholesterol into its parts to know the amounts of bad LDL and good HDL cholesterol in the blood, in order to judge the person's health condition.
The total cholesterol in the body is the total HDL and bad cholesterol (LDL), and one-fifth of the amount of triple glyceride in the blood (TG), provided that the triglycerides are less than 400 mg / dl.
Total: LDL + HDL + 1/5 (TG) equals 400 mg / dL at most.
Benign cholesterol in men should be more than 34 mg / dl, and in women more than 45 mg / dl to reflect good cardiac protection for the body.
Bad cholesterol should be less than 160 mg / dl, given the following cases:
130--159 mg / dL: Diet should be applied.
From 160-189 mg / dl: A diet should be applied and the use of cholesterol-lowering medications (according to the doctor’s specifications) when there are accompanying risk factors (obesity - high blood pressure - diabetes - smoking ...).
Above 190 mg / dL: severe diet with cholesterol lowering drug treatment, and blood pressure monitored to be less than 110/70.
The analysis should be done after a 14-hour fast for food and drink other than water. There is nothing wrong with it.
Cholesterol diet - fish, vegetable oils, especially olive oil, sunflower oil, corn oil, flax oil, pasta - potatoes - rice - all kinds of vegetables and fruits - skim milk, tea, coffee, soda.
Contraindications: (Nutritionists advise against eating less of the following materials, because they contain large amounts of "bad cholesterol" (low density lipoprotein): meat and even red meat.
Fast food (because it contains a lot of fat and bread from white flour, and lack of vegetables), - obesity, - butter, - egg yolk, - creamy cheese, - shrimp, shellfish, and crab.
If your cholesterol numbers are too high (above 300 mg / dl of blood), even bird meat (chicken even from skin) is prohibited.
Exercise is recommended 5 days a week.
Changes in diet and lifestyle may help lower cholesterol. Avoiding animal foods may reduce the cholesterol level in the body not only by reducing the amount of cholesterol consumed, but by reducing the synthesis of cholesterol. For people who want to lower their cholesterol level through a diet change, the saturated fat consumed should not exceed 7% of the daily calories and the daily cholesterol level should not exceed 200 mg.
Statistical results and directions
A global medical group recently compiled the results of 26 statistical studies on cholesterol, and provided advice and guidance on health care in general and the treatment of severe cases. Besides the limits of the types of "benign cholesterol" (HDL) and the type of "bad cholesterol" (LDL) in the blood, the study considers the presence of additional factors such as high blood pressure, diabetes, stress, or genetic factors (if the person dies or A mother or one of the sisters with angina or a stroke for one of these relatives at the age of my youth) which increases the possibility of such cases occurring to a person, and recommends the following (in 2011):
160 mg / dL if no additional severity is present,
130 mg / dL in case of angina,
100 mg / dL in case of angina and a second severity source, such as high blood pressure, stress, smoking,
70 mg / dL if there are several sources of hazards, as shown above, in addition to diabetes.
There are statins in pharmacies to reduce "bad cholesterol" (LDL), and the study proved its usefulness, and it is taken by the doctor. The study also recommends taking drugs at the same time to lower blood pressure if it is high) (also according to a doctor’s consultation).
Lower cholesterol
The public can reduce bad cholesterol by consuming fish oil (one teaspoon per day) and there are capsules containing fish oil on the market, in which case one capsule is taken every day. Fish oil (preferably North Atlantic fish) contains good cholesterol, which the human body cannot manufacture. On the one hand, the body benefits from the benefits of good cholesterol, and on the other hand, good cholesterol collects bad cholesterol from the blood and transports it to the liver for disposal. You can also add a spoon of apple cider vinegar to the food. Thus, the level of bad cholesterol in the blood decreases and bad effect is negated on the arteries in general and the arteries of the heart.
People can lower cholesterol in general, starting at the age of forty, so they can benefit from the evil effects of high cholesterol in the blood, and consequently on the health of the body. The effect of bad cholesterol on the blood vessels in general, it clogs parts of the blood vessels, thus the heart is affected and its efficiency decreases, the coronary artery may become blocked and a cardiac shock occurs, and the arteries of the kidneys are affected and their efficiency decreases, and kidney failure may occur. Therefore, attention must be paid to knowing the level of cholesterol in the blood through analysis to take ways to prevent its increase in the blood. The doctor can prescribe a type of drug to lower cholesterol.
It can help lower your cholesterol level Here are some tips:
For a healthy diet (reduce the consumption of animal fats, and use sunflower or olive oil, or corn oil in preparing foods, and almonds and eye mats have beneficial fats).
Walk, run or swim, generally move and exercise for 20 - 40 minutes on a regular basis,
Reducing saturated fats (animal fats and bird fats), increasing the amount of vegetables
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